
Hey there! I’m Bright Star Evelyn!

I am a mom, a leader, a fitness nerd, a geek, a yogini and a meditator with two decades of practice.

I began my meditation practice back in 2000 and became a student of Soto Zen Buddhism in 2007. For all of my adult life, I’ve been passionate about learning the ancient lessons of the East and West and applying those lessons to my modern life.

The year 2014 changed my life forever. I had my first child and then six months later, my older brother suffered a fatal stroke at the age of 37, it was by far the hardest thing I ever had to endure and my strong mindfulness practice helped keep me grounded through that storm. Almost unbelievably, my mother passed away just 18 months later in January 2016 after an acute aortic dissection.

Suffering these losses changed me and how I approach my life. I realized that life truly is too short to spend lost in negativity.

In the aftermath of my mother’s death, I went on a spiritual journey of sorts. I learned about and tried many healing modalities from all around the world; everything from acupuncture to therapy (individual and group) to shamanic healing.

I came out of all of this with a calling, inspired to help others through the darkest times. May Bright Star be a light in your life.

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